Thursday, August 27, 2009

Alverno College

I'm owning up to it . . . I regret having gone to Alverno College. It doesn't deserve everything I earned at my wonderful high school, Loyola Academy, where I was in FIRST HONORS!! I took HONORS LATIN and HONORS STUDIO ART!!! It's LOYOLA and, as several faculty members would tell you, I was there during some of the absolute best years in the past few decades.

I did get two great things from Alverno that I could not have received anywhere else:

1) Gayness
2) my AMAZING friends

Alverno is the most sapphic school in the Midwest, it was there that I felt safe and welcome enough to come out and live flamingly. And my friends are AWESOME!! I would have gotten a much better education from my 2nd choice, Columbia College in Chicago, but I'd probably be miserable and possibly even engaged.

I deserve better than Alverno. At the time, Alverno, I thought, was the best school in the Midwest for art therapy. And it, being an "ability-based" institution, is almost impossible to transfer out of. Had I attempted to transfer out, I would have had to start over.

Alverno isn't nearly a good enough place for the School of the Art Institute, where I want to get my MFA, but I still have the tools from Loyola Academy. And the art instructor I trust most at Alverno, someone who belongs somewhere so much better, supports me 100%. Since Alverno turned out to be more of an obstacle than a guide, I have the experience and drive to overcome anything.

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